BibTeX Record for

'Trusted Computing in Mobile Action'

@INPROCEEDINGS{KuntzeSchmidt2006C, author = {Nicolai Kuntze and Andreas U. Schmidt}, title = {Trusted Computing in Mobile Action}, booktitle = {Peer-reviewed Proceedings of the ISSA 2006 From Insight to Foresight Conference}, year = {2006}, editor = {H. S. Venter and J. H. P. Eloff and L. Labuschagne and M. M. Eloff}, publisher = {Information Security South Africa (ISSA)}, acm = {C.2.0 [Computer-Communication Networks]: General - Security and protection}, arxiv = {cs.CR/0606045}, isbn = {1-86854-636-5}, keywords = {Trusted computing, mobile service, authentication, privacy}, url = {} }